Tag: corporate sustainability

Highlights of Human Development Report 2023/2024

The HDI is an important, if crude, yardstick for human development. Just a few years ago well-being had never been higher, poverty never lower. Yet people around the world were reporting high levels of sadness, stress, and worry. Those self-reported measures have since risen for nearly 3 billion people. And while 9 in 10 people show unwavering support for the ideal of democracy, there has been an increase in those supporting leaders who may undermine it: today, for the first time, more than half the global population supports such leaders.

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Quantum Regenerative Leadership (QRL) for Sustainability Management

We propose quantum regenerative leadership (QRL) as a new framework that integrates the insights and practices of quantum leadership and regenerative leadership. QRL proposes that effective leadership in the 21st century requires both a quantum mindset and a regenerative mindset, as well as the skills and competencies to apply them in different contexts and situations.

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